Friday, 10 February 2012

dma205 animation walk cycle

this is the walk cycle i traced using adobe illustrator. i imported it into adobe flash.
at this stage i imported the mountain i drew from adobe illustrator to flash as a symbol. i imported the mountains on the dark Grey stage to create the illusion of night.

i also added a side walk and a road. both the road and the side walk will be moving to create the illusion that the characters are actually walking.

i added the character walk cycle i drew into illustrator i placed them on the stage just to see how everything look. i also added grass at the back at this stage i came up with the idea to make then walk through a neabiouh hood.

i added the street lights if you look closely to the shadow of the characters when they walk under the street light thier shadow gets darker and also a ligh faded rain. every symbol was placed on a separate layer
i wanted my animation to look more realistic so i added stars and a moon and also i added a tree. since the characters are walking through a resident area i added a car.

these two images are basically the end product of my animation walk cycle

for my DMA205Db introduction to flash class each student was suppose to create a walk cylce using adobe flash.first i had to do reach and find a complete walk cycle, after i used adobe illustrator to trace out my walk cycle and any asset i needed got my animation. when i import the walk cycle  from adobe illustrator to adobe flash i inport it to stage ( on separate key frames) and when i upload any other asset i upload them as a symbol. i have completeed my run cycle ive also took screen shots of diffrent stages of the project.

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