Wednesday, 14 December 2011

DMA skate board

For this particular assignment we were to design a skate deck based around the theme of Predators. There were many different ideas i could use for this project but I thought since I did a project based on T-Rex I would use that same concept. 

to create the skate board i thought  of different typed of assets that would look great on a skate board. i wanted my stake board to look unique and illistrate the theme.  i created a image of what represent a T-REX head usging the pen tool on adobe illistrator. i also traced random blood dropping to also represtent the theme of preditors. at this stage i was thinking about what i wanted my back ground of the skate board so i choice black because the color black represent FEAR.

at this stage i tried to find more images that could go on my skate board. i found a great image of a triceratops, triceratops where the main pray the T-rex hunted so i wanted to create a board that shows the starting of a fight betuween the T-REX and the triceratops. i also traced an image of a claw which basically represent the struggle and starches during the fight.

i created two different skate boards i didn't quite decided which board i would use for this project . i  uploaded two different board with slightly different look, they are basically the same. i created the dark color skate board because it represent fear. i also created a skate board with a bright color background, the bright color catches the eyes and would look more attractive when mounted on a skate deck.

i used clipping art to show how the sticker would look on the skate deck when its mounted. i showed the three different  styles to choose from. a dark background, a bright color (blue) background and also a white background. as you can see the image on the skate board or all the reference from my brain storming i tried to incorporate all the assets. i also how the  two different predators before combat
this is a image of the bright color background sticker that  i would send to the printing shop and also and representation of how the board would look mounted.

this is a imahe of the sticker i would send to the printing shop. i also showed the dark color background and also the white background that would be mounted on the skate deck, this image shows the slight difference the change in background gives.

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