Thursday, 15 December 2011

DMA188 video game review


Kill zone 2 by Sony Computer Entertainment
Available on the sony playstation 3

 Developer- guerrilla games

Genre – first person shooter

Game modes- single player, online multiplayer


  •  Thomas Sevchenko  
  • Shawn
  • Secolar Visari
  • , Rico velasquez
  • Jason Narville
  •  Jan templar
  • Dante Garza 

kill zone 2 is an amazing game over all. The game offer exciting campaign and terrific competitive online play,
Kill zone 2 is a tremendous package, offering an neither of which create new paradigms for first-person shooters, but rather set new standards in subtle but significant ways. From groundbreaking visuals to well-crafted multiplayer maps, most of Killzone 2's individual elements stand out in a crowded genre


There where not many different types of weapons to choise from but  The weapons are a lot of fun to shoot, even the standard assault rifles that form the core of your load . The M82's effective scope makes zooming in on your target very easy, yet this rifle is effective at close range as well.

Summary of the game’s story

the story takes place after the events of Liberation, where the ISA has finally gotten tired of being invaded and attacked on its world of Vekta. While the relative success of repelling the Helghast has worked, the ISA has decided to take the fight back to Emperor Visari. Believing that the Helghast spirit has been broken by their losses on Vekta, the ISA launches a "revenge" invasion against the world of Helghan with the goal of capturing Visari and forcing the Helghast to stand down. Of course, the ISA quickly discovers that this is not the case at all, and as the soldiers discover that the Helghast spirit is just as fierce on their home world than ever before, they also that discover the Helghast have new weapons to unleash on their foes. 
The story of the game is pretty good for what it is. Themes of fascism and militaristic aggression, revenge and the costs of war echo rampantly throughout  the entire title. the majority of the plot does an excellent job of driving the action throughout the campaign, which will give you a ton of action, hellish warfare to fight and survive through, and moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 

After completing the whole game players are not able to play online against other kill zone players. The multiplayer game play class-based, which mean the player can choose a class of character which is specialized for a specific role to better suit the player’s needs in battle. There are 16 abilities in total in which the player can mix and match two of them to suit their desire 

9.5/ 10 Presentation
Everything from the first entrance onto the battlefield to the last cutscene creates a hectic, fun and fast-paced thrill ride through a warzone where each step you take could be your last.

9.5     Graphics
Phenomenal visuals prove that Guerrilla either met or surpassed that infamous E3 trailer. Some technical issues hold it back from being a completely flawless masterpiece
9.0     Sound
7.1 channel sound captures every nuance of the battlefield from gunshots to screams along with a great soundtrack. Weakly delivered, curse-filled dialogue (sans Brian Cox) could've been done better.

9.0 Gameplay
You'll have to get used to the firearms as well as the AI on both sides. More turret and vehicle sections would've been great, but outside of that, the single-player campaign is fun to play through.

9.5 Lasting Appeal
Multiplayer is extremely deep and has the added bonus of an offline skirmish mode. This is where you'll spend the majority of your time once the credits roll.

9.4 overall

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

DMA picture project

DMA skate board

For this particular assignment we were to design a skate deck based around the theme of Predators. There were many different ideas i could use for this project but I thought since I did a project based on T-Rex I would use that same concept. 

to create the skate board i thought  of different typed of assets that would look great on a skate board. i wanted my stake board to look unique and illistrate the theme.  i created a image of what represent a T-REX head usging the pen tool on adobe illistrator. i also traced random blood dropping to also represtent the theme of preditors. at this stage i was thinking about what i wanted my back ground of the skate board so i choice black because the color black represent FEAR.

at this stage i tried to find more images that could go on my skate board. i found a great image of a triceratops, triceratops where the main pray the T-rex hunted so i wanted to create a board that shows the starting of a fight betuween the T-REX and the triceratops. i also traced an image of a claw which basically represent the struggle and starches during the fight.

i created two different skate boards i didn't quite decided which board i would use for this project . i  uploaded two different board with slightly different look, they are basically the same. i created the dark color skate board because it represent fear. i also created a skate board with a bright color background, the bright color catches the eyes and would look more attractive when mounted on a skate deck.

i used clipping art to show how the sticker would look on the skate deck when its mounted. i showed the three different  styles to choose from. a dark background, a bright color (blue) background and also a white background. as you can see the image on the skate board or all the reference from my brain storming i tried to incorporate all the assets. i also how the  two different predators before combat
this is a image of the bright color background sticker that  i would send to the printing shop and also and representation of how the board would look mounted.

this is a imahe of the sticker i would send to the printing shop. i also showed the dark color background and also the white background that would be mounted on the skate deck, this image shows the slight difference the change in background gives.


this is basically a 3D scene of a advertisement poster. they are arguing if the REBLE 1002 is a better buy than the WABBLE 655.

this was just a smile 3D scene of a room

Thursday, 8 December 2011


                                                             character sketch

this project the main goal is to get an sketch drawing and trace all the detail that the artist have drawn. we upload the image into adobe illustrator to trace all the lines and add color to the artist's art work. for this project i choice an image of a pirate the reason i choose this image was because it look unique and it will allow me to demonstrate my illustrator skills

This screen shot is basically the starting od the whole character trace. I traced the jacket all the lines and shapes that was on the jacket with the pen tool. It took hours to trace just the jacket. This is truly a time consuming project. 

At this stage I drew the pants of the pirate. The pants hand unique lines which looked 

At this stage I added color to the jacket. I choice the color green because it was a bright rich colour that represent money. Pirates always searched for money so he green was an appropriate color.

At this stage I added a different layout which would be the face of the pirate. The face was one the most difficult part of the whole drawing to trace. Because the face was extrely detail, it took me different tries to get the somewhat perfect.

  I also added the pirates hat no a different layer.

I made the whole layers visible so the viewer can see the full tracing I did. This is the complete drawing and all the layers.
  •  shoes layer
  • ,the shord layer
  • the blet layer
  • ,the jacket
  •  the pants layer
  •  the chain layer & chain on the pants layer
  • the hat layer

This particular project we have to add a light source to the drawing to make the drawing look more realistic and 3 dimensional. At this stage I added arrows to show there the light source would be coming from.

This is the final stage of the project I added the shadow and the highlight of the light source. I added the main shadow at the back because one of the light sources is coming from the front. The high light is at the side because the light source.