Friday, 25 November 2011

DMA 188 U

Identify the different Social media venues you are a part of the different type of social media site I use would be. 
Facebook, tagged, YouTube, Skype, msn, bbm and worldstar hip hop.

List the number of contacts you have on each social media venue

  • On Facebook I have approximately six hundred friends
  • Tagged 2000 and decreasing
  • YouTube I don’t have any friends 
  • Skype new joined 30 friends
  • msn 176 friends
  • bbm-102 before my service stop working
  • world star – basically like YouTube just interact by commenting on other people comments.
  • Sms- texting 153 contacts/friends in my phone

List the amount of time you spend on each social media venue broken down by day and/or

  • - Facebook – (approximately 7 hour)
  • YouTube- approximately   (2 hours)
  • Workdstarhiphop ( 1 hour)
  • Google ( depends)
  • Skype- ( 4 hours)
  • Sms (depends)

  • Facebook – (approximately 4 hour)
  • YouTube- approximately   (3hours)
  • Workdstarhiphop ( 1 hour)
  • Tagged (50 mins)
  • Sms (depends)
  • Skype- ( 2 hours)
  • Facebook – (approximately 8-9 hour)
  • YouTube- approximately   (6 hours)
  • Sms
  • Workdstarhiphop ( 1 hour)
  • Google - ( depends)
  • Tagged –(2 hours)
  • Skype- ( 7 hours)

  • Facebook – (approximately 8hour)
  • Youtube- approximately   (3 1/2 hours)
  • Workdstarhiphop ( 1 hour)
  • Google - ( depends)
  • Tagged –(1.5 hours)
  • Skype- ( 2 hours)
  • Facebook – (approximately 8-9 hour)
  • YouTube- approximately   (6 hours)
  • Workdstarhiphop ( 1 hour)
  • tagged –(2 hours)
  • Skype- ( 7 hours)
  • Sms (depends)

  • Facebook – (approximately 8-9 hour)
  • YouTube- approximately   (6 hours)
  • Workdstarhiphop ( 1 hour)
  • Google - ( depends)
  • Tagged –(2 hours)
  • Skype- ( 7 hours)
  • Facebook – (approximately 8-9 hour)
  • YouTube- approximately   (2 hours)
  • Google - ( depends)
  • Skype- ( 7 hours)
  • Sms

  • On Facebook I have approximately six hundred friends- I talk with about 100 of the people on my Facebook
  • Tagged 1149 and decreasing – I actually don’t really use tagged anymore that’s the reason friends are decreasing
  • YouTube I don’t have any friends because I didn’t make an account to find friends - just comment and share my opinion on people video
  • Skype new joined 30 friends- I talk with everyone on my Skype.
  • msn 200 friends I hardly use so when I log on there is only 10 – 25 people online
  • Bbm- 100 before my service stop working – talked with all of them
  • Worldstar hiphop – basically like YouTube just interact by commenting on other people comments.
  • Sms- texting 100 contacts/friends in my phone- I text different people occasionally depends.

List the different types of content you upload on each venue
  • Facebook- the type of content I upload is mainly pictures and music videos that’s I get from YouTube. I don’t upload many video of myself mainly because haven’t taken any. I also upload my thoughts as status, upload my opinion as well.

  • Tagged- basically the same as facebook, I upload pictures and videos from youtube. I don’t upload status on tagged because it really makes no sense because no one comments on status.
  • YouTube – I upload random video that I might have found floating around the internet
  • worldstar- i just upload my opinion on videos in the form of a comment
  • skype and msn- upload pictures
  • bbm- upload status and pictures

List the social media venues you declined to be a part of and why
 I decline using twitter because at first it seem extremely confusing maybe because I didn’t take the time to actually figure out how the site works. I declined twitter because it requires too much information and I like to be private at times. Twitter people crave for followers and I think it’s ridiculous to constantly telling people to follow you. I declined twitter because I was just not interested basically. I also declined bebo site which is a social media site like Facebook but with slight differences. The reason I declined the bebo request because there was not many people on the site and it was slightly amateur at the moment when I got requested to join.
I got a request to Google plus but I haven’t yet accepted it.

List the one Social Media venue you use the most and why
I use facebook more because it is a main source of entertain and it’s a great site to find/meet new friends and communicate with current friends also play games. Facebook makes communication much easier than other social media sites because the messaging is instant and they also provide a chat box which makes quick instant messaging more effective. I use facebook a lot because it’s fairly simple and straight forward to use without any major complication, the design of facebook allows the user to understand the layout even if I’m a new user. I basically use facebook a lot because it had such a large community with billions of users which mean there is more people to interact with and once again facebook is a source of entertainment we can view friends pictures, the type of music they listen to, the type of people they talk with, etc. there is just so much possible things to do on facebook.

Write a paragraph on why or why not Social media play a prominent role in your day to day life
Social media plays a huge role in my live, social media basically influences some of the decision I make, Social media has become apart of me and my life style. Social media sites has changed the way I communicate with people, allow me to communicate with friend and family all over the world easily without and expensive cost.  Social media had educated me in numerous ways for example my main source for researching would be Google.  Social media also change my perception of the world for example exploring a multicultural site give mi the opportunity to obtain a lot of knowledge about different cultures around the world. Social media had allowed me to have a whole different identity on the internet I can be someone that I can’t basically be in reality. It builds confidence in me in some way because I know have the confidence to talk to a specific person in a certain way without feeling anxious or uneasy. I find social media useful for when I want to be isolated from reality. Because Social media is such a big part of my life it had become a nuisance at time because it is extremely distracting which can cause me to lose friends because I get so caught up online and even fall behind in school due to procrastination. Social media is an excellent source of entertainment there are endless opportunities of things to do: I can listen music, watch videos, communicate with people, play games, etc. Social media is great in my life but the only problem it’s taking up to much of my time and I need to manage.

screen shots
                                                                      SOCIAL MEDIA THAT I USE


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

DMA 188 User Interface Principles of Design

the tolerance principle. the tolerance level of people vary. the tolerance principle basically stating that users are not perfect. a userface should be flexible to the user alwwoing them to have thier way, also allowing them to correcy thier mistakes by having an undo, redo ,canel botton . interface should also give suggestion to correct mistakes.

  • expect your users to make mistake - always expect users to make minor mistakes, making mistakes is common because once again users are not perfect  programers should ensure that the user face is flexiable enought to work beyond the mistake/error . give suggestin how to correct mistakes.
  • group things effectively - grouping thing actually make the interactin much easier and enjoyable because the user gets the satisfaction they desire.
  • explain the rules- programs should have features that specifically tell them how to use the program step-by-step instead of the user spending multiple hours trying to figure out how to operate the userface. making sure the user is aware of the program will prevent mistakes

Google is a good example of program being flexible, as you can see in the picture  i made an error which typing in my search but Google program provided a solution for the mistake. they have a great navigation at the side that groups all related thing together.

feedback principle. this principle is to inform the use of any action that is occouring. the feedback principle also inform the user on changes made or errors. feedback can be visual ot even audio weither visual or audio the feedbacl should be reconizable and clear to the user.

  • don't create busy userface -  with an busy userfac the user will have a hard time finding what is nesseary to prevent user dissatisfaction is to make the user face simpler and easy this way mistakes and errors are preventable. 
  • expect the users to make mistake-  give the user feedback on the mistake by giving a visual display on the screen by using symbols or even color to indicate and error/mistake. feedback should also provide a audio sounds that represent an error.

Microsoft word program is a excellent example for the feedback principle. when  there is a typo Microsoft  program display a read line under the misspelt word indicating an error. 
visibility principle - user face should be ligiable enough for the user to read and reconize what they are being showed, if the dispaly is difficult to see the use may not trust the program or even have a successful interaction 

  • follow the contrast rule- the contrast rule is important for any user face because the visibility is very important. the contrast rule basically states that the information displayed on the screen should be readable, using dark color text on a light background is much more effective and legiable than using dark color text on a dark color background which would be impossible to read. the pictures should also stand out.
  • use color appropriately - using specific color on a user face is important some colors are concidered to be safe colours for example the color blue, this color is the universal trust color.
  •  Word your message and labels effectively -The text you display on your screens is a primary source of information for your users. If your text is worded poorly, then your interface will be perceived poorly by your users. Using full words and sentences, as opposed to abbreviations and codes, makes your text easier to understand.
i choose the yahoo homepage to represent the visibility principle.  the site follows the contrast rule they used a light background and the text they used is mainly black which stands out. the used the colors to make the site more appealing to the viewers eyes, the use different colors for different icons for example the mail icon color is different from the finance icon. 

simplicity principle. a user face should be simple for the users to use smoothly would any hesitations. the interface should be simple enough for new users to understand without second thinking or asking them self question and the user face should also be legiable for the users to read. the simplicity principle should be displayed on every user face because it  gives the user the satisfaction of knowing what exactly they are doing.

  • group things effectively- grouping similar things together makes it simple and easier for the user to find their desired icon. spacing is important when it comes to grouping similar things because similar things should be grouped closer and dissimilar things should be space further away so the user don't get confused.
  • navigation within a screen is important- navigation is important because its what the users use to move around on a user face. having a side scroll to show information because the navigation is to long actually make the user a little frustrated because information is being hide from the main screen unless they scroll to the side. having a simple navigation with multiple sub navigation with the main navigation is more effective than having a long navigation bar because imformation is grouped and easier to find.
  •  don't create a busy user face -  this technigue is important because having a busy user face will be difficult for the user which will cause the user to be confused due to the fact there is too much information . grouping should be properly done to prevent a busy user face.
i choose the YouTube user face to represent the simplicity principle. YouTube is  one of the most straight forward site on the web, users don't have to be familiar with the site to know how it work. as a person goes on the site automatically they realize it is a site to upload videos and music. it is simple to search , the search box is the main navigation.

reuse principle

  • explain the rules- programs should have features that specifically tell them how to use the program step-by-step instead of the user spending multiple hours trying to figure out how to operate the userface.
  • look at other application with a grain of salt.- using ideas from other exciting programs would be useful because it may reduce confusion in the user. users would be less confused because they recognize something familiar instead of a completely new design. looking at other user face also provides information for the programmer because they see what information is more important and what is not.
  • design should be intuitable - is the user dont know how to use the program, it  should be simple enough to prevent the user from thinking and asking them self how the userface works or askin them self is the prgram is useful or not.
internet exploer toolbar is am example of the reuse principle because they constantly use the same  design and  outline over and over without making any major changes

structure principle - inter face should be design and organized properly , the meaning of the sit or program should be clear for the users to understand . related things should be together and separating unrelated things, the structure of the user face should be simple enough for users to be aware of what information is provided.
  • group things effectively -  grouping similar things together makes it simple and easier for the user to find their desired icon. spacing is important when it comes to grouping similar things because similar things should be grouped closer and dissimilar things should be space further away so the user don't get confused.
  • follow the contrast rule- the contrast rule is important for any user face because the visibility is very important. the contrast rule basically states that the information displayed on the screen should be readable, using dark color text on a light background is much more effective and legiable than using dark color text on a dark color background which would be impossible to read. the pictures should also stand out. 
  •  explain the rules- programs should have features that specifically tell them how to use the program step-by-step instead of the user spending multiple hours trying to figure out how to operate the userface.
the homepage is a great example for the structure principle

Sunday, 20 November 2011

DMA101 sports logo

This is the beginning stage of my sports logo. I choose the NFL team Tampa bay buccaneers logo. It had a unique look and I figured I would have a little fun doing the logo and also I would get more familiar with the adobe illustrator program. At this stage I traced the outline of the flag and also the nob of the sword.

At this stage I added a different layer which would be the inner red of the logo and also the red strip on the handle of the sword.

I added another layer which would be the outline of the skull on the logo in black. I also aged the while part of the upper part of the skull. The challenge I had at this stage was to get the teeth right I just had problem getting the shape to look like the reference. 

At this stage I added four different layers:
·         The blade of the swords
                                                               ·         The football and the lace, I had a slight problem getting the lace to do properly tracing a jpeg image is somewhat hard.
·         The black lines on the blade of the swords 

At this stage I added a new layer which would be the word buccaneers; the word was traced in black. This stage was fairly difficult because the font they used was not a part of the program so I had to trace it took approximately 45 minutes to trace.

I added another layer which would be the read shadow of the word buccaneers. I realizes it would take the shadow was exactly the same as the black layer so I copy each letter and resize them so they fit in place.

This is basically the end product of my sports logo (Tampa bay buccaneers). At this stage I incorporated all the layers I used to display the full image of the logo. The biggest challenge I had while doing this project was getting the right color of the logo, it actually took me hours to get the color to looks similar to the actual logo.

This is a comparison of the original logo and also the logo I created. The color looks somewhat similar the only difference is the red color of the flag it is a little lighter than the original, actually after I printed the logo the color came out perfectly.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

DMA Trex

      Tyrannossaururs rex was one of the largest dinosaur,   they were extremly large they basically could grow up to approximately 46 feet long, 20-21 feet high and weighed 5 to 7 tons. t.rex here great hunters they inflict horron inthier prey. t.rex's anatomy indicates quite the opposite. they had great senses of smelling and T.rex's also have a fantastic highly developed senses of seeing its prey from far distances.  Tyrannosaurus rex were meat-eaters an was at the top of the food chain in thier environment, they were highly feared by many other dinosaurs. Rex hunted was called hadrosar. Another name they were called by was the duck-billed because of their beak shape their main prey was the triceratops.

  T.rex had a large jaw they were up to 4-5 feet long, dinosaurs possessed approximately 50 to 60 robust, concical teeth that ranged in size from 1 inch to 9 inches long. T.rex had some teeth up to 13 inches long. T.rex's powerful jaws they could eat up to 500 pounds in one bite.

T. Rex teeth

  • approximately 1 to 9 inches long. in some T.rex grows up to 13 inches long
  • each teeth vary in weight

Creating a T.Rex tooth

at the beginigin stage i used aluminun foil to create the outline  for my tooth. i have it extra layer of 
foil to ensure its firmly in place.  i later realize the more foil  i used on the outline the less clay or super sculpy needed.
at this stage i raped the outline with aluminum foil multiple time to get the exact shape and thickness i wanted for the tooth and  to hold the foil in place i used tape i measured the tooth after i reaped it numerous time in aluminum foil to ensure that it is approximately 6 inches long
at this stage i made a sculpture of my tooth using clay. i placed the clay over the outline i made i also molded the clay so it  looks somewhat like a tooth.

at this stage i painted the whole tooth brown due to all the research I've done majority if the teeth were brown colored. i notice while i was painting the cracks in the tooth caused by the clay while it was drying. the cracks gave the tooth a little emphasis showing how old it might be. 
i painted the root of the tooth black giving it the feeling that the tooth was riped  out of the t.rex's mouth. the black should represent the dry blood.

this is a full view of the tooth. showing difference between both the tooth color and the root color.

the poster i created for royal Ontario musium to advertise and promote "meet the business end of jimmy"

Saturday, 5 November 2011

DMA101 _Audi R8

At this stage of the project I created a simple layout of my audi mark up. My plan was to have a large picture of the audi at the right so the client can see a large representation of the audi R8 it the left of the screen would be information about the parts of the car; basically details about specific parts of the car .

At this stage of the project I Incorporated the information of the car at the left side of the site layout. Now the client can see preview of the car’s dashboard, engine, shifter and also the wheel(performance). I also provided information that will encourage the client to read more about the parts.

At this stage I added another image of the audi r8, this image emphasise the car. This image also give the client something eles to look at which would more likely influence them to see more. I also added the botton navigation.

This is basically the end product of my audi mark up with the audi logo, search bar and both a top and bottom navigation;  both navigation is placed in grey because it stands out more on the white background. I placed images of the audi that will be sure to catch the attention of the client, information about the car at the right of the site. The mark up also has social media feed.