Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Indiegogo twitter follow

Dwayne Francis
Flash 455Da

The three artists in the video is Tim Doyle, Jay Ryan or Tyler Stout. I followed the main page Indiegogo on twitter @indiegogo. And I followed the artist on twitter

Is flash dead?

Dwayne Francis
Flash 455DA

Flash is dead?

  1. Many might think that flash is dying because there are other programs that can do the same exact thing or even simpler, at first I thought flash was in its own category until I did some research and notices there are more programs that somewhat can replace flash.  
  3. Would some people say flash is dead because the iPhone doesn’t support flash?. I keep questioning myself as to how people can say flash is dead where is so much function to the software and it can do much more than one thinks. I was sitting in class when i thought about iPhone and how they don’t support flash on their phone (well I’m not sure if they do now). Due to the growing population of apply users and the ; large amount of apply products people might think because their products don’t support flash; that might be the direction other companies might go in. so maybe? IPhone is the reason flash is dead?.
  4. HTML 5 is a competing technology, which is an open standard (not owned by anyone) which enables programmers to also display visually engaging web pages. Although there are some differences and limitations in what HTML 5 can display, compared to Adobe, the differences to many users are not so big. Many developers have been using HTML 5 for some time now in favor of Flash, but with Adobe announcing that it is no longer developing Flash for mobile devices, the days of Flash are coming quickly to an end. One of the big differences with HTML 5 and Adobe Flash, other than programming differences, is that with Flash you have to download a Flash player to view Flash content. With HTML 5, your web browser can understand HMTL 5, with no additional software needed. So what does this mean for your business? As you look to upgrade your next web site and you are working with your developer to consider if you should use Flash or not. So many users are buying iPads, it makes sense to really consider if Flash is the best way to go. For sure in the coming months and years its use will decline in favor of HTML 5.In what was a big factor in the decline of Flash: Apple (Steve Jobs) decided NOT to let iPads support Flash so Apple would not be dependent on Adobe. In hindsight it was a smart move. Here’s a note from him on Flash. (
  5. Another article I saw online about flash being dead Flash has always done things a web browser could only dream of doing on its own. To accommodate the rich visuals and sophisticated interactivity Flash delivers, Adobe created an add-on—a plug-in—for web browsers. When the browser is asked to display flash content, it passes the job over to the Adobe Flash Player. Though 99% of desktop computers have Flash Player installed, there are liabilities to plug-in based technologies. Apple’s iOS mobile operating system refuses to display Flash in the browser. Some people on secure corporate networks can’t install the latest plug-in until their IT departments get around to deploying the update. Some people are simply afraid to install anything on their computers at all. The plug-in architecture allowed Adobe to sidestep the limitations of the browser. It came with costs but these were outweighed by many benefits until mobile technologies—especially Apple’s mobile technology—refused to play along.
  6. Flash can be used to create amazing animation but yet there is other programs out there that can do the same or even better? Could that be another reason why flash is dying. Flash was once one of the most popular program to create animation but now since there is other program to create animation could that contribute to the declining popularity of flash?. People experimenting with newer software’s and abandoning flash. The questions still lingers.
  7. There are main things flash can be used for. Flash manipulates vector and raster graphics to provide animation of text, drawings, and still images. It allows bidirectional streaming of audio and video, and it can capture user input via mouse, keyboard, microphone and camera. Flash applications and animations can be programmed using the object-oriented language called ActionScript. Adobe Flash Professional is the most popular and user-friendly authoring tool for creating the Flash content, which also allows automation via the JavaScript Flash language. With this much possibilities in one software is it really dead or people ignorant to the what its capable of.
  8. I’ve come to realize that flash have a lot of features people could use in various ways. This week in class we learned how to create a sound analyzer by using codes. Using the hype frame work codes to create a sound analyzer is really interesting and is a great way to experiment and create new ways to visualize music. Is flash really dying?
  9. These week I currently have nothing new about my decision if flash is dead or not.
  10. Flash is not dead yet   he Film and Entertainment companies opinion on the usefulness and viability of Flash to accomplish their business and marketing needs, suggest that Apple is wrong in not giving their customers a choice in being able to consume the Flash content their favorite shows and movies have available. The reasoning given by Steve Jobs in his “Thoughts on Flash”, is rhetoric that is easily refuted and represents little more than a rationalization by Apple to further their dominance in the mobile industry. Enabling and interactive platform they can’t profit from in their App Store is not on their agenda even if it does give consumers a choice what they consume and how. A choice outside the Apple Ecosystem is not one they apparently will support. As far as mobile goes flash is dead.  Reference to
  11. flash will be continue used in the coming years because there isn't any program that is quite as powerful
  12. For my final project I decided to create a wine bottle to promote a wine that’s going on the market. For the wine bottle I started off with creating the label for the wine bottle in adobe illustrator, my teacher was kind enough to provide the class with what information that should be present on the label. With the information I researched multiple wine bottles just to generate ideas for the labels. After the research I basically went with a simple and clean design.  On the label I wanted to incorporate some flash element, I used a work file from one of our class lesson and used it for the background of the label. Using the flash to create the label shows that flash can be used for various things. I saved a png from the flash swf and imported it into adobe illustrator. One the label was completed I moved on to create the wine bottle, I tried using 3D studio max on my first attempt and it was not successful I didn’t know exactly how to create it. So then I tried Photoshop which was recommended by a classmate. Just like 3D max I had my problems the computer I was using didn’t have enough ram to run the 3D in Photoshop. At my final attempt I went back to illustrator which was a much simpler way to create the wine bottle.

Flash homework (prototype)

Dwayne Francis
Flash 455DA
Home work

week 7 in flash class we explore flash and created a mouse follow with code. the images below are the original code asset and image from the swf

i wanted to change the images that is following the mouse so i went into the library and changed modified the images. first i changed the colour of the movie clip and see how it would look when its blue

while using the blue colour i decided to change the image from a circle to a actual word
all changed where done in the library and not in the code so the code remained the same

Wine label/ bottle

Dwayne Francis
Flash 455DA
Wine bottle and label

for flash class we had to create a wine bottle. for the wine bottle i decided to create a label for the bottle. for the design of the label i wanted to incorporate some flash element into the design. for the label i wanted to go with a simple design; i used a flash file i worked on in class. the image below is the code to create the (simpleProximity)

wine the code for the (simpleProximity) is rendered out this image was genereated
for the wine bottle label the teacher provided the information that's supposed to be on the label. so  after getting the flash element that i wanted to put on the label i used adobe illustrator to create the label itself. i used the information that was provided and this is the design i came up with
using adobe illustrator i created an 3d wine bottle and wrapped the label around it
the wine bottle looked too plain so i decided to make a poster for the wine bottle .  add other images to the poster such as 3D representations of the red grapes and another shape bottle.

  • there where a few challenges that came up. first how to create a simple wine bottle that can have all the information that was provided

  •  attempting to create the wine bottle in various programs and not having success. my first attempt at the wine bottle i decided to use 3D studio max but unfortunately i didn't know how to get the same of bottle correct and it was just not what i expected overall. on my second attempt i used Photoshop but there was not sufficient ram on the computer i was using so it kept crashing. so finally i used adobe illustrator which was much easier and straight forward.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

sounds analyzer

Dwayne Francis
flash DMA455DA
sound analyzer project

in my flash (course code) i have created an sound analyzer that make the images in the library pulsate/ move to the audio file that i have added to the code. the image below is the code i used to create the sound analyzer

when i was typing up the code for the sound analyzer i was actually listening to the song crack by 2chainz so i decided to use that audio file for the project.

after i created the code for the sound analyzer i had to create images that i want to pulsate when the file is rendered. since i chose the song CRACK i wanted an unusal looking image to show up on the screen i thought of many different designs that i created with adobe flash, after created differnt images i choose the image below
when i launched the swf with the audio file and the imaged this is what was generated

after looking at the swf the project didn't feel completed so i deiced to add another image/asset to pulate with the same song but i would have the other image at a different position on the stage. i decided to use the title of the song.

to have both images pulsating on the screen at the same time i would have to assign specific code for each. sinnce the code aready worked for the first image i duplicated the code and changed the values and instance name , basically change the code to allow to images on the screen at once

this is the result of the rendered swf

the challenges 

the challenges that came up during this project were to have both images, before knowing that i had to have a different set of code for each images, i would add the images into the code but only one or neither would show up. after minutes if manipulating the code i came to realize it needed specific code for each with different values, variables , etc.

another challenge that came about was getting it to export the swf as a png. i wanted to export the certain parts of the swf as png so i could upload them to my blog. i researched the code to export the swf as png into the code, but the code doesn't seem to work

Adjuster(object pool) (prototype)

Dwayne Francis
Flash DMA455DA
adjuster (object pool)

in week 2 of flash class we used object pool code to demonstrate how the code works, the code below id the exact code we use. we created an movie clip called mycircle which is going to show up on the swf.

this is what was generated by the code. the mycircle showing up multiple times with the different color that was typed in the code.

after i have seen the code and analyzed it i've decided to use my own colour swatch that i've have generated from an image. the image below is the imaged ive used, its an image of street art that i thing the colours would look good when added to the code. i used adobe kuler to select different color from the imaged which i would use to change the color of the object on the stage. we got an assignment where we should use our own images select the colors

these where the hex decimal that represent the colours that was seclected

this was the result after importing the hex decimals into the original code below.

The image that ive selected to get the colour i decided to use that same images and get assets that i could use to replace the circles.  i uploaded the image into adobe illustrator the live trace and break apart the image to select a piece that i would use to replace the circles .images below was the result

there where not many challenges with this assignment mainly because we did it in class.

Friday, 1 February 2013


Dwayne Francis
January 30, 2013
Movie project-- terminator

in fourth semester advance flash class. we got an movie assignment, we should chose a font from one of our favorite movie. i used the site and pick the terminator font.

furthermore, the project requires us to get the sound track of the movie it self. i looked up the theme song on

after i collected the movie font and also theme song of the movie terminator, the other requirement of the assignment is for use to incorporate both assets in adobe flash and make the movie font asylate to the theme song.

to do this i added a  SoundAnalyzer in the flash code as seen below the third row of code 

this is a look at all the code i used to create the Sound Analyzer.

after adding all the code for the sound Analyzer when i publish the swf file the font should move to the sound of the beat. see image below  

another task is to try and change the color of the movie font when it shows up in the SWF but unfortunately i would not able to change the color. i took a picture of the HEX code that i got from kuler.adobe.come but for some reason i couldn't get the code to work

the next step of the project is to output a PNG from the SWF file. by doing this there is a specific code that is use to enable this function as seen in the picture below

that code allowed me to take a PNG from the swf file.. the screen shots bellow showing the progress, i just right click and the option encode PNG.. appears

the final PNG looks like this when i open it up in  adobe fireworks